Tuesday 13 January 2015


   Large number of eggs are consumed daily world wide. Many egg consumers know very little about safe handling of eggs. Egg is an ideal medium for micro-organisms to grow and flourish. One of the most common is salmonella. Salmonella is a bacteria  know for causing food poisoning. When egg is handled properly, the risk of contamination is greatly reduced. They can be contaminated outside through the hands, hair, and saliva of people that handle them during preparation. Do not use eggs when the shells are cracked, even eggs when intact may be contaminated by bacteria that penetrates the shell through its numerous pores. Those with cracked shells have greater risk of contamination. Discard eggs with faeces on their shells,  faeces have lots of bacteria that can penetrate through the pores of the shell. So washing the eggs to consume will not be helpful.
   Do not consume raw eggs, since bacteria grow easily on raw eggs. Instead consume pasteurized eggs, pasteurization kills micro-organisms. Cook thoroughly until egg yolk and white becomes solid. Consume eggs immediately after cooking and  discard left overs. Wash hands thoroughly after handling eggs. Do not store eggs with other foods due to the risk of contamination. Studies show that 67% of salmonella food poisoning comes from eggs. Discard eggs after 3 weeks. Refrigerate eggs after pooling, do not add additional eggs after pooling eggs for a while. Use same the same day. Clean kitchen surfaces thoroughly after preparing eggs.
Store eggs in refrigerator.
Safe egg consumption prevents food poisoning.

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