Saturday 8 November 2014


Urine is a waste product from the kidneys .When the urine waste in the bladder gets to a certain  amount, the brain send signals to the body to expel urine through urination or peeing. When urine  is held for too long , it does  harm to the bladder and  kidneys. When the bladder is overstretched with holding pee for too long, it may loose its elasticity. When urine stays too long in the bladder it may cause a bladder infection, which may also lead to infection of the  kidneys. When the bladder gets too full, urine  may begin to back up into the kidneys (imagine something meant to be waste product going back to the body), it may cause kidney infection and over time may cause kidney damage. A  problem is created when there is not supposed to be one. When the kidneys becomes infected it may lead to serious health issues, because of  its vitality.

Holding your pee can damage to your bladder and your kidneys

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