Sunday 2 November 2014


  Millions of people worldwide live with hypertension than any other disease. The older a person gets the more susceptible they become to a disease, if they live  unhealthy lifestyle.  The factors that puts a person at risk for developing hypertension are;

OBESITY:  The more a person weighs the more blood flow they need to supply oxygen and nutrients to their tissues and vital organs. As

The volume of blood circulated through the blood vessels increase, so does the pressure inside the blood vessel (arteries) increase thereby causing the blood pressure to rise.

SMOKING: Smoking makes the body unable to circulate blood properly due to the nicotine contained in cigarette, thereby raising the blood pressure.

INCREASE ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION: Having more than two drinks per day can cause hypertension by activating a person’s adrenergic nervous system, causing tightening of the blood vessels and simultaneously increasing the blood pressure and heart rate. Alcohol excites a person’s nervous system, which causes the blood vessels to tighten up, thereby making the blood require more force or pressure to pass through the blood vessels.

STRESS: High level of stress can lead to a temporary but dramatic increase in blood pressures. Negative emotions are  also considered stressors to the body, like sadness,  anger and rage.

LACK OF EXERCISES: Lack of exercises increases the risk of being overweight, thereby making a person be at risk. Exercises increases blood flow through all the blood vessels which leads to release of cytokines that relax blood vessels which in turn lowers blood pressure.

INCREASE SALT INTAKE: Too much salt in a diet can cause the body to retain fluid and also cause the blood vessels to constrict (tightens) thereby increasing blood pressure.

FAMILY HISTORY OF HYPERTENSION: Hypertension may run in some families. It may be hereditary. If you have a family history, take steps to prevent yourself from becoming hypertensive through healthy living and exercises.


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