Monday 10 November 2014


            The dangers of high blood pressure are often ignored. Due to the nature of the disease , that does not show immediate signs and symptoms in most cases. High blood pressure or hypertension if not treated,  can lead to worse  health issues. The more complex a health issue the more expensive and more difficult they become to  treat.

       1, Due to the high pressure with which the heart pumps blood in a person with high blood     pressure, the blood vessels may develop a bulge and weak spots making them more likely to burst. Depending on where this bulge occurs and bursts’ overtime, maybe in the abdomen or the brain. A person may die suddenly due to the bursting of blood vessels, if immediate medical attention is not received.

2, Hypertension puts strain on the heart leading to hypertensive heart disease and coronary artery disease. It affects the ability of the heart to pump blood to meet the body’s demand leading to heart failure.

3, Hypertension causes strain on the heart which also leads to   strain on the blood vessels, causing strokes or heart attack which may cause sudden death. It causes the buildup of plaques that causes strokes and heart attacks. Hypertension is the cause of 50% of certain strokes and increases risk of stroke. It is the single  most important risk factor for stroke.

4, The heart may become enlarged and weakened due to hypertension, because it has to work harder to pump blood in hypertensive persons. At this stage a person will begin to experience heart failure.

5, The blood vessels may clog more easily leading to heart attack, stroke or kidney failure due to lack of sufficient blood flow to the kidneys.
      6, Hypertension can decrease a person’s life span if not properly managed.
      7, It can also lead to loss of vision.

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