Thursday 13 November 2014


     The global awareness about obesity and its danger, has led many into finding the best  and quickest ways to lose weight.  Many lose weight progressively, through proper meal planning and exercising. While some have tried to lose weight by taking diet pills, drastically reducing their daily calories and starvation. These will lead to drastic weight loss. Drastic weight loss will cause harm to the body. The safest and recommended weight loss per week is 1 to 2lbs anything over this is drastic weight loss. It poses risk of muscle loss and wastage. When you lose weight too quickly, you do not loose fat initially but water and tissues. It is hard to burn too much fat within a short period. It lowers the body’s metabolism and increases risk  of getting diabetes The body undergoes a lot of  stress during drastic weight loss. A person may begin to experience headaches, dizziness, weakness and fatigue. It leads to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, which is a life threatening condition.
Do not try to lose weight too quickly

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