Monday 2 February 2015


    Constipation is defined as defecating or having stools less than three time per week .It can also be defined as having hard stool or excessive/difficulty straining to stool.
In cases of severe constipation a person defecates as less as one time per week. Constipation may present with signs of lower abdominal pain, having small hard stools like pebbles, rectal bleed, and frequent urge to defecate.
    The dangerous effects of constipation are often ignored by many.  Constipation left untreated either by food or laxative, may lead to :
1, Irritable feelings
2, weight gain
3, Hemorrhoids
4, Body odor due to the accumulation of toxins from bacteria from unexpelled faecal waste.
5, Skin eruptions
6, Headaches
7, Nausea and vomitting
Constipation can lead to severe medical problems. If stool stays in the intestine for too long, the bacteria in the faeces starts to multiply in the intestinal tract and then promote the growth of harmful fungi. Too much stool in the stomach may cause breathing problems .It can also cause to bowel blockage .
Constipation can be treated with food or laxatives, preferably food.
On my next blog, I will be discussing simple and non expensive  remedies for constipation.
Excessive straining to defecate is a sign of constipation 

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