Saturday 28 March 2015


  Pain is an unpleasant feeling or discomfort. It signals actual or potential injury to the body. Pain may be acute, of sudden onset or chronic, after an injury heals. However, there are certain pain to be concerned about, because they may indicate an underlying medical problem that needs further treatment or investigation. The pain to be concerned about are pain of sudden onset that is not relieved by pain killers. Severe and unbearable pain that gradually gets worse even when the doctors have not been able to diagnose a person with any form of illness. Pain that causes lack of sleep or that wakes a person from sleep.  Pain that causes deformity to a part of the body. Pain that affects daily activities and affects a persons level of consciousness. If you or your family members are experiencing any of the pain mentioned above, seek medical help persistently. Medical investigations may not show anything initially, be sure to follow up with your family doctor or your consultant until a diagnosis is established. 
It is not normal to feel pain, there is always an underlying cause.

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