Tuesday 28 October 2014


       Your immune system is a vital part of your health and daily living. There are everyday habits and lifestyles we may not be aware of, that can weaken our immune system. Some of these  are; 

1.       Lack of sleep or inadequate sleep: Adults need between 6 to 8 hrs of sleep every day and children need 10 to 12 hrs of sleep. Inadequate amount of sleep will weaken the immune system.

2.        Unhealthy Diet: Not eating balanced meals consisting of all the nutrients the body needs to function, will weaken the immune system. Inadequate nutrition put the body under physiological stress. Avoid processed food as much as you can. If you cannot abstain from them, eat them rarely.

3.       Stress: Any form of stress weakens the body’s defense. Stress can be emotional, physical, mental or physiological.

4.       Smoking: It depresses antibodies and cells that are in the body to protect against foreign invaders.

5.       Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption impedes the immune system’s ability to fight infections and diseases.

6.       Antibiotics abuse: see previous post on antibiotics abuse and how it affects your immune system.
7.       Excessive consumption of processed sugar : When refined sugar is consumed in excess,  the ability of the white blood cells to kill germs is reduced  by 40%.
 8.    AIDS: HIV virus depresses the immune system.

Habits that weakens your immune system.

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