Wednesday 10 December 2014


  It is holiday season and there is always plenty to eat and drink. A lot of holiday season food includes baked good , various sweet foods and drinks. Sugar is not always consumed in powder or cube forms. It is hidden in a lot of food we consume. Sugar has no nutrients but calories. It is detrimental to the body when consumed in excess.
It causes liver damage by causing excess fatty acids to accumulate in the liver. It also causes fatty acids to accumulate in the blood, which causes high blood pressure overtime. Excessive sugar consumption can make the tissue become insulin resistant. It increases abdominal fat and causes obesity. It can also cause tooth decay and raise cholesterol level .
   Excessive amount of sugar consumption can raise cholesterol level, insulin levels and abdominal obesity in as little as 10 weeks.
It can cause premature aging.
  If you must eat sugar, eat it in small quantities. The more sugar you eat , the more sugar you crave.
  The best way to cut off sugar is to completely abstain from it.
The more you eat, the more you crave.

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