Tuesday 2 December 2014


    Cholesterol is found in some foods such as eggs, meats and dairy products. Cholesterol is also produced by the liver. There is good cholesterol (high density lipoprotein) and bad cholesterol ( low density lipoprotein). Both types of cholesterol gets into the body through food. The bad cholesterol causes plaque build up, which clogs up the blood vessels. Plaques can block normal blood flow to the brain and cause a stroke. It may also increase risk of heart disease. Once you know your cholesterol level, you will be able to lower your risk of heart disease. 
     Check your level once in 5 years if you are above age 20. Once a year if you are above age 45 and if you have a family history of heart disease , high blood pressure or diabetes. It is important for you to check your cholesterol levels. Knowing what your level is , helps you to control your diet and avoid foods that will raise your bad cholesterol and prevent plaque build up in your blood vessels.
If you have high cholesterol level that cannot be controlled by diet, speak to your doctor about medication. Continue with  diet control even when you are taking medication for better outcome.
Know your cholesterol level.

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